Agile DevOps Software Engineering

CI/CD is not DevOPS

So…what is DevOps? If you start explaining CI/CD and then just stop there then don’t worry. You are not alone. There are many I met just like you. People are misinterpreting the principle and philosophies given to their understanding that’s becoming a standard phenomenon. Everyone interprets differently and hence the chaotic situation. DevOps is one […]

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence – A Fortune teller

AI/ML plays a huge role in today’s human life. The effectiveness and impact of AI/ML applications are becoming debatable and they vary based on the context. If an AI system needs a human intervention to decide and act then should that be called Artificial Intelligence? Having said that even humans can’t predict accurately with their […]

Agile Scrum Software Engineering

Scrum – Respond to deadweight

Are you still staring at those epics in every product backlog refinement session? Do you remember when do you add them? Do you still feel for them but other stories are taking higher priority? Please check, is that you wish or want? Trust me, they are not that important. They don’t carry the value that […]


Apple’s Credit Card

Apple’s credit card — news is flooding as if it will change #fintech ecosystem. In my views, Apple is attempting to stop their leaking revenue, rejuvenate the existing wallet feature and give life to Apple Pay. So before even it should be considered a threat to existing general purpose credit card business it’s more of a strategy […]

Business Growth Marketing

Marketing Redefined?

Every business wants to get a glimpse of attention from their potential customers. Unfortunately, technology enables content creation faster and that floods the market. An innovative marketing idea can get criticized and copied almost instantaneously the moment it hits the market with the support of technology. Given all these challenges some of them are still […]

Team Building Thought Leadership

Failure okay, failing is BAD

I do shop regularly at a well-known supermarket nearby. It’s a quite busy shop and needs to plan well to minimize the ‘Q’ time. Off late, the business becomes gloomy. Not enough inventory, emptiness unfolded. Employees were started chit chatting and no care for the customers. While the out of stock shakes up the customer […]

Business Growth

Brand copycats (a) evildoers?

I am sure most of you could have been betrayed at least once by the brand copycats. do you remember last time when you were in hurry, rushed to buy that soft drink/snack/fashion brand, etc., just grabbing things based on the color, style, design, etc., of that product without paying much attention before’ buying it? […]