Agile Software Engineering TDD

TDD – Test Driven Development

TDD is the most underrated but mandatory software development methodology. In the last post, I mentioned DevOps is not an option anymore. While that’s the truth, the success of DevOps depends on how much the application/product testing is automated. Continuous improvement is warranted if you aspire for superior quality software and to face fierce competition. […]

Agile DevOps Software Engineering


DevOps is no more an option; it’s a moral obligation to implement by IT. Delivering a new feature at months or even weeks intervals should be considered a sin; at least should be from a technological perspective. Releasing a new feature should be a business call rather than a feasibility of IT. If not daily, […]

Software Engineering


ChatGPT can’t replace Google search but will definitely create a significant impact in our daily life. I acknowledge that the algo needs much reinforcement, but that’s the most happening.  Google search provides the resources available on the internet as a search result and lets the consumer decides to take what he wants. On the other […]

Salesforce Salesforce Admin Salesforce Basics

Compact Layout – Notes

Considerations Up to ten fields on your compact layout populate the record highlights section at the top of each record view in the Salesforce mobile app. The record highlights section in Lightning Experience uses the first seven fields on the compact layout. However, the number of fields that display can vary based on the width […]

Salesforce Salesforce Admin Salesforce Basics

Salesforce Licenses

Salesforce User License Types The most common license types and their features Salesforce Full access to standard CRM and functionality. Often discussed in terms of clouds (i.e., Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, etc.), these licenses give users access to Salesforce’s standard functionality for that cloud. For example, a Sales Cloud license will include access to […]

Salesforce Salesforce Admin Salesforce Basics

Login IP vs Trusted IP range

Login IP ranges control login access for a user profile. Users with profile login IPs can only log in from IP addresses within the range; otherwise, they’re denied access to Salesforce. Login IP ranges are typically used to restrict login IPs at a granular level. Trusted IP ranges control login access for an organization. When users log […]