Agile Design Thinking Software Engineering

Usability Engineering

I would say the most underrated function of software engineering is ‘Usability Engineering’. Even some of the engineering leaders mistake the importance of it. Worst of all is when the product leaders conceive the usability to start with branding, color, theme, etc., but care less about the product’s actual use.  This gets further worsened when […]

Cloud Computing Containerization Microservice Software Engineering

Amazon Prime’s detour to Monolithic

It’s buzzing news that Amazon Prime architecture is shifting to a monolithic application. Many videos and articles are mushrooming to criticize microservices and serverless architecture. We should come out of this crowd mindset. I always believe that business needs should drive the choice of technology. Sometimes a technology or architectural change can positively impact how […]

Cloud Computing Containerization Microservice Software Engineering

Microservices & Containerization – Revolutionaries

A paradigm shift in any industry happens once in a while. Software development is not an exception here. Most of the time, we experience incremental improvements and inspired duplicated products and services. Microservices and Containerization is a paradigm shift in modern scalable web application development. Can you think of scaling an application without microservice architecture […]