Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering Thought Leadership

Humans are the ultimate inspiration for AI

If you closely observe how LLMs are evolving, you’ll gain immense respect for yourself. Yes, I’m talking about YOU – the human.

The latest generation models can handle up to 128k tokens in a single prompt. This number might seem overwhelming, but the ability to process more tokens increases the machine’s probability of understanding context.

As humans, to this day, we constantly process vast amounts of information. We all engage in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning all the time, nonstop – awake or asleep.

“We naturally employ techniques like subword or byte pair encoding to tokenize messages, and we classify, cluster, and evaluate risk and reward. Yes, every single one of us does this, regardless of social status”

Humans are the ultimate inspiration for AI development. AI strives to replicate human intelligence. Take a day to appreciate being human and stop worrying about AI taking over jobs. Instead, get inspired and go develop AI applications 😉 

By the way, next-generation models are gearing up for processing up to 1 million tokens in a single prompt. Don’t be afraid; simply embrace your humanity and go forth 😀


KR Kaleraj