Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering Thought Leadership

Stop finding AI use cases. Start Human’s

After the emergence of general AI (Gen AI), everyone is scrambling to fit it to the right business problems. However, most are still stuck with glorified chatbots, while some claim expertise in merely chaining prompts.

In this rapid race of AI advancement, we shouldn’t be searching for AI’s use cases to fit in. Instead, we should focus on how effectively we can leverage human intelligence.

There are tons of advancements in the AI space, with breakthroughs and breathtaking improvements happening everyday. “Devin” –, for instance, has just joined the bandwagon. The news of the day is that this can substantially supplement developer efforts.

All this suggests it’s time for us to differentiate human and artificial intelligence, finding the right tasks for humans to excel at. Isn’t it?

#ai #devin #aisoftwareengineer #genai


KR Kaleraj