Business Growth startup

How to lose your Customer?

loss your customer

Recently, I have had a very interesting experience both on the same day. I went to a shop to buy a product. A decor item to home hence wanted to ensure it aligns and compliments to the other objects in the home. So, a huge amount of time spent on finalizing the product. At the billing counter, the salesman briefly looked at the product and asked me to check if any other similar item is available. I didn’t notice any defects, but he did.

“I believe that’s an important trait of a salesperson. Should know what he is selling. The guy who knows the product better is the best sales guy than the named one “

I was quite worried as I have already spent so much time on finding the product and the redoing could be daunting stuff. And, I could very clear evidence that the shop was dying for fresh inventory. The Salesman also knows the fact. Nevertheless, he took a “risk” of asking me to check for a spare product. It’s a risk indeed. Isn’t it? I could have simply walked out, and he would have missed a business.

I liked the way he approached and his commitment to not to sell a faulty product. In a very brief time that created a trust on him and in the shop. I was lucky and found the spare and he secured a future customer and established a brand for himself and to the shop.

After the shopping, went to a hotel for lunch and we have been there for the first time. Not hungry enough to have a full meal so was ordering a “mini” meal. Ideally, that should have been 40–50% less costly than having a meal. The bearer was continuously attempting to upsell a few food items. I presume, he wants to achieve his minimum target 😉 Eventually, we succumbed to his pushiness. We felt while eating itself the food was not that tasty. Maybe because we were not hungry

“Never feed your customer when they are not hungry. Many do that and that’s where all your marketing budget and sales effort goes without any tangible outcomes”.

The bill exceeded our budget and the upsold items were costlier. After seeing the bill, all the positiveness about the hotel wiped out even if our subconscious mind would have recorded some. And, they lost a few future customers (not just one 😉 as I would have done soft marketing for them if otherwise)

It’s like digging their own graveyard to the business if the customer feels that a product is “sold” to him. “Customer is a King, but the rest is you (the business). Winning a customer should be a byproduct”


KR Kaleraj