Agile Scrum

Story point estimation – Kill Fibonacci

Naives are spoiling the party but they play a crucial role in making Agile successful. Coaches are stuck in the process and true Agilist would know Agile is an outcome process flaws, yep, the process flaws urged to find a way to focus on outcome with the meaningful process. Unfortunately within Agile the narrowed vision […]

Agile Scrum Software Engineering

Scrum Master – A strict teacher?

Agile Scrum is misunderstood by a large segment of practitioners. Scrum deliberately didn’t spell out most of the actions required and that creates the pandemonium. The unclarity of action spelled out creates the ‘theorists’. And they run around with stopwatch and believe high in ‘assumed’ rules. In my views, scrum needs to be approached with […]

Agile Scrum Software Engineering

Scrum – Respond to deadweight

Are you still staring at those epics in every product backlog refinement session? Do you remember when do you add them? Do you still feel for them but other stories are taking higher priority? Please check, is that you wish or want? Trust me, they are not that important. They don’t carry the value that […]