Salesforce Salesforce Admin Salesforce Basics

Compact Layout – Notes

Considerations Up to ten fields on your compact layout populate the record highlights section at the top of each record view in the Salesforce mobile app. The record highlights section in Lightning Experience uses the first seven fields on the compact layout. However, the number of fields that display can vary based on the width […]

Salesforce Salesforce Admin Salesforce Basics

Salesforce Licenses

Salesforce User License Types The most common license types and their features Salesforce Full access to standard CRM and functionality. Often discussed in terms of clouds (i.e., Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, etc.), these licenses give users access to Salesforce’s standard functionality for that cloud. For example, a Sales Cloud license will include access to […]

Salesforce Salesforce Admin Salesforce Basics

Login IP vs Trusted IP range

Login IP ranges control login access for a user profile. Users with profile login IPs can only log in from IP addresses within the range; otherwise, they’re denied access to Salesforce. Login IP ranges are typically used to restrict login IPs at a granular level. Trusted IP ranges control login access for an organization. When users log […]

Salesforce Salesforce Basics

Why Salesforce has governor limits?

Salesforce is a SaaS application and hence centrally hosted by Salesforce. In turn to balance the load salesforce would have hosted in multiple servers and locations but centrally hosted in the sense on behalf of all their customers and their version of Salesforce CRM version of the product is hosted (centrally) and managed by Salesforce. […]

Salesforce Salesforce Basics

Salesforce – Introduction

Salesforce is a “precooked” CRM product Salesforce is a “Precooked” CRM product Developed using Java. As Java is Object Oriented Programming Language, Salesforce too. Salesforce uses reflection, annotations, and metadata deeply Salesforce is a SaaS application and hence Governor limits play a key role