Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering startup

OpenAI DevDay

There are many interesting stuff to note but the GPT store is a one of the most interesting one that stands out. 

I like the fact of how OpenAI as a company being shaped up. It’s the way how they are planning to have multiple revenue streams. This is very important step for any product/company.

There is always a fight in the founders world.. Whether they have started a company or product. I would say, you start with product and become a company or vice versa doesn’t matter. Until otherwise if you don’t find a way quickly to get revenue come in, you are stuck. 

It’s very rare to get faster adaptation in the market and that too with almost no marketing. And when that happens a much faster than the planned innovation is needed to capitalize the unanticipated growth trejectory

I noticed lastly zoom got similar opening but not sure how did they capitalized it but OpenAI – by looking at the product roadmap seems to be leaving no stones unturned 

Go Go OpenAI

#OpenAI #GPT #startup #founders


KR Kaleraj