Amazon Prime’s detour to Monolithic
It’s buzzing news that Amazon Prime architecture is shifting to a monolithic application. Many videos and articles are mushrooming to criticize microservices and serverless architecture.
We should come out of this crowd mindset. I always believe that business needs should drive the choice of technology. Sometimes a technology or architectural change can positively impact how the business is conducted. So anything needed to run the business efficiently comes under the ” required ” category. The concern is the overdoing by looking at what is outcried in the market and trying to force-fitting it.
Off late, everything is imagined with serverless architecture. What is the point in going for serverless architecture if you expect constant throughput? If you keep the instance always warm and continuously in service, then I am sure “you are sold”. You are offering a free lunch to the IT vendor.
At least migrating monolithic to microservices won’t come under a punishable act 😜 If at all, with the ambitious goal of exposing it as a service for integration or dreaming of scaling it, etc., when it’s justified.
I agree that constant evaluation of newer technology or technique is needed, but the implementation should be carefully vetted. Else you are sponsoring someone to party at your cost 😂
We have recently revisited a legacy system and found a case to revamp architecture to a modern tech stack that changed the days-long process to run into hours. I will talk about that in the next post.
#business #tech #architecture #microservice #serverless #monolithic