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Problems – Solutions = ?

If you are super busy and impatient to read further… I am fine I don’t want to hold you long.. please read next line

Problem – Solutions = Missing actions

I would like to say for the hurried ones.. you may be rushing to browse a next material in search of another ‘how to’ material. Unfortunately the other article or this either is not going to be different .. Solutions are simple and that’s exists everywhere. As long as you are patient enough to read, digest and reflect then you should be good…

Having that said.. We all know what is our problems and indeed we know the solutions as well. I am not going to say like most of the management gurus actions are missing.. Actually many act on the problems and even those actions may called as solutions as well. The hard fact is lot of times, we don’t look back and we pretend as if we don’t remember retrospect. Sometimes the height of the fun is as a team/group everyone pretend and all know that what needs to be done and what is missing..

I can understand the corporate fun.. you go by the flow and sometime you are forced to do that.. if you are serious enough to get personal enlightment at least then you shouldn’t be self deceiving..

Problems – Solutions = MISSING actions.. The pretended missed acts tally the equation.

I defer to give any business examples at this stage but can be used as a template in any context..

Just to give an example.. you wish to get perfect body.. you know working out regularly get you that.. you might even hit gym at sometime.. if you are not getting the expected outcome.. You are NOT working out adequately that you know but you pretend…

#leadership #personaldevelopment #businessdevelopment


KR Kaleraj